Browse the WSFMA Resource Center to find featured Washington State resources on market management, Farmers Market Week, market promotions, research, and more. We also recommend the Farmers Market Coalition’s Resource Library. If you can’t find the farmers market information you need, please email us at
New 1023-EZ Form Makes Applying for 501(c)(3)Status Easier
Farmers Market Coalition explains updates for an easier nonprofit application process.
IRS Tax Exempt Status for Farmers Markets: At a Glance
Understand the differences between four common IRS nonprofit types of status and choose which best works for your organization.
Sampling Impacts Sales at Farmers Markets
Sampling at farmers markets has been shown to increase vendor sales.
Emergency Procedure for Farmers Markets
Michigan Farmers Market Association guide to emergency preparedness and procedures for farmers market organizers.
The Nonprofit Facebook Marketing Plan Workbook
Use this too to help strategize and organize your organization's facebook marketing plan.
Marketing 101 Toolkit
A how to guide on effectively assessing and improving marketing at your organization.
Recipe for a Great Farmers’ Market
An article from 'Growing for Market' explaining the many facets of a successful farmers market and what is needed for a market to succeed.
Farmers Market Training Manual
Farmers Market Federation of NY Market Manager Training Manual
Farmers Markets as a Strategy to Improve Access to Healthy Food for Low-Income Families and Communities
Broad study of eight local farmers markets throughout the country and how they overcome barriers when serving low-income communities.
Food Safety Protocols
Sample document from CFM related to food safety protocols.