Browse the WSFMA Resource Center to find featured Washington State resources on market management, Farmers Market Week, market promotions, research, and more. We also recommend the Farmers Market Coalition’s Resource Library. If you can’t find the farmers market information you need, please email us at

2016 FM Week Social Media Ideas

Farmers Market Week is a great excuse to connect daily with all of your followers on social media. To get you started, here’s a week’s-worth of posts. Use them as-is, or edit them to reflect the unique character of your market! Sunday, August 8 FB/Instagram Photo Idea: Customer and vendor together National Farmers Market Week celebrates all... Read more »

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King County Fresh Bucks Brochure – Spanish

Working With Your Local Media

Cultivating relationships with your local news media is essential to helping them promote your market.

Marketing 101 Toolkit

A how to guide on effectively assessing and improving marketing at your organization.

The Nonprofit Facebook Marketing Plan Workbook

Use this too to help strategize and organize your organization's facebook marketing plan.

Food Safety Protocols

Sample document from CFM related to food safety protocols.

Food Safety Incident Press Release

Sample press release from CFM to be used as a guide for other markets sending press releases related to food safety.

Farmers Market Advocacy

How to advocate and lobby to benefit your farmers market.