Browse the WSFMA Resource Center to find featured Washington State resources on market management, Farmers Market Week, market promotions, research, and more. We also recommend the Farmers Market Coalition’s Resource Library. If you can’t find the farmers market information you need, please email us at
Chef Demo Toolkit
Organizing a chef demonstration at your market can increase attendance, create a buzz within your community, and give a noticeable boost to your farmers sales. Cooking demonstrations offer your market goers the opportunity to interact with and sample ingredients from local farmers that they may not otherwise have been able to experience. Created for the... Read more »
Cooking Demonstration Planning Guide
Cooking demonstrations are a great way to add excitement to your market, highlight seasonal produce and inspire shoppers to try something new. Successful cooking demonstrations can engage customers and increase sales, but they require careful planning, dedicated staff (or volunteer) time and a modest amount of space and equipment. Here are some tips to help... Read more »
Farmers Market Week 2016: WSFMA & Partner Resources for Markets
Once again farmers markets across the country will join together to celebrate the benefits and opportunities that markets bring to farmers, ranchers, entrepreneurs, customers and communities during Farmers Market Week, August 7 – 13, 2016. To help you promote this special occasion, the WSFMA is excited to introduce some new resources developed just for our members,... Read more »
Tasty Summer Beet Salad Recipe
A recipe from WSFMA's "Farmers Market Week Cooks" 2014 Farmers Market Week, print this two sided PDF and use at your market cooking demonstrations and events.
Spanish Tortilla With Greens Recipe
A recipe from WSFMA's "Farmers Market Week Cooks" 2014 Farmers Market Week, print this two sided PDF and use at your market cooking demonstrations and events.
Summer Watermelon, Peach, Heirloom Tomato Salad Recipe
A recipe from WSFMA's "Farmers Market Week Cooks" 2014 Farmers Market Week, print this two sided PDF and use at your market cooking demonstrations and events.
Working With Your Local Media
Cultivating relationships with your local news media is essential to helping them promote your market.
“Farmers Market Week Recipes Here” Sign
A "recipe here" sign from WSFMA's "Farmers Market Week Cooks" 2014 Farmers Market Week, print this two sided PDF and use at your market cooking demonstrations and events.