Browse the WSFMA Resource Center to find featured Washington State resources on market management, Farmers Market Week, market promotions, research, and more. We also recommend the Farmers Market Coalition’s Resource Library. If you can’t find the farmers market information you need, please email us at
Food Safety Incident Press Release
Sample press release from CFM to be used as a guide for other markets sending press releases related to food safety.
Farmers Markets and Food Access: The Role of Electronic Benefits Transfer and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Programs
How to work with extension professionals to create a successful EBT/SNAP acceptance and incentive program at your farmers market.
Food Safety for Farmers Market Vendors
General food safety practices, providing samples, and selling fresh produce.
Anonymous Gross Sales Sheet
Sample anonymous vendor sales form from Orting Valley Farmers Market.
2011 Vendor Survey
2012 Vendor Survey
Salmon Creek Farmers’ Market Vendor Application
Sample small sized farmers market vendor application.
Juanita Farmers Market Vendor Application
Sample of a small sized farmers market vendor application.
2014 Mercer Island Farmers Market Vendor Application
Sample of mid-sized farmers market vendor application with detailed vendor information required.
Vermont Currency Feasibility Report
An invaluable resource for any farmers market interested in understanding alternative currencies for market payments.