Browse the WSFMA Resource Center to find featured Washington State resources on market management, Farmers Market Week, market promotions, research, and more. We also recommend the Farmers Market Coalition’s Resource Library. If you can’t find the farmers market information you need, please email us at
Summer Watermelon, Peach, Heirloom Tomato Salad Recipe
A recipe from WSFMA's "Farmers Market Week Cooks" 2014 Farmers Market Week, print this two sided PDF and use at your market cooking demonstrations and events.
Working With Your Local Media
Cultivating relationships with your local news media is essential to helping them promote your market.
Market Day Token Tracking Form
Use this sample form to help you implement your market's own token accounting procedures.
Spanish Tortilla With Greens Recipe
A recipe from WSFMA's "Farmers Market Week Cooks" 2014 Farmers Market Week, print this two sided PDF and use at your market cooking demonstrations and events.
Charting a Sustainable Course for Seattle’s Fresh Bucks Program
Cedar River Group's research on EBT incentive programs around the nation and how to best prepare Fresh Bucks for a continued and sustained course of growth and development.
Cedar River Group: Charting a Sustainable Course for Fresh Bucks
2013 Fresh Bucks Evaluation
Full report of Seattle's 2013 EBT incentive program prepared by University of Washington Center for Public Health Nutrition for the City of Seattle.
2013 WSFMA Fresh Bucks Program Final Evaluation
Program evaluation including an executive summary, program overview, and program outcomes.
Farmers Market Technology Improvement Pilot Program
Washington State Department of Social and Health Services Report to Legislature on the Farmers Market Technology Program
Market Day Accounting Procedures
Use this sample document as a guide for you to create your own market accounting procedures.
2013 Fresh Bucks Executive Summary
An Executive Summary of Seattle's 2013 EBT incentive program prepared by University of Washington Center for Public Health Nutrition for the City of Seattle.