Browse the WSFMA Resource Center to find featured Washington State resources on market management, Farmers Market Week, market promotions, research, and more. We also recommend the Farmers Market Coalition’s Resource Library. If you can’t find the farmers market information you need, please email us at
King County Fresh Bucks Brochure – Spanish
King County Fresh Bucks Brochure
Impact of WIC & Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Programs in Washington’s Communities
“Farmers Market Week Recipes Here” Sign
A "recipe here" sign from WSFMA's "Farmers Market Week Cooks" 2014 Farmers Market Week, print this two sided PDF and use at your market cooking demonstrations and events.
Farmers Market Sustainability – Obstacles and Strategies
As a part of a contract project for the city of Seattle, the Puget Sound Regional Council created this report identifying the issues facing farmers markets and possible solutions.
WSFMA Proposed Roots Guidelines Change Timeline
Timeline through 2017 with proposed changes to Roots Guidelines
Market Day Token Tracking Form
Use this sample form to help you implement your market's own token accounting procedures.
Working With Your Local Media
Cultivating relationships with your local news media is essential to helping them promote your market.
Market Day Accounting Procedures
Use this sample document as a guide for you to create your own market accounting procedures.
From the Ground Up: Land Use Policies to Protect and Promote Farmers Markets
An overview of policies and regulations affecting farmers markets on a state and national level.