Help make our 2017 Annual WSFMA Conference the best yet! Become a Sponsor! Join our Trade Show!
The WSFMA Annual Conference is the only statewide event in Washington that brings together farmers, market organizers, policymakers, government agencies, nonprofits and community organizations to focus on the vital role farmers markets play in connecting us all through shared values – healthy eating, farmland preservation, vibrant communities, and economic development.
This conference provides exclusive access to a community whose influence and purchasing power has increased with the exponential growth of farmers markets in Washington State and nationwide. You’ll have an extraordinary opportunity to showcase your products and services to this broad customer base that historically includes markets and community partners from across the Western States and British Columbia.
In 2016, thanks to our generous sponsors and exhibitors, we served a record high of 250 attendees while maintaining a high-quality learning environment and keeping registration cost affordable for participants. With your help, we will surpass that number in 2017.
- Premium 6’ Tabletop Exhibit space on Friday, February 3, 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM
- Listing as exhibitor in program and on conference website
- One (1) complimentary breakfast and lunch on Friday, February 3 (Additional meal tickets can be purchased when you apply)
- All conference snack breaks and coffee/tea service are scheduled in trade show exhibit area
- Includes access to social events including Friday community mixer
- $250 Commercial Organization
- $175 Nonprofit/State Agency
- Sign up now! Space is limited. Click to download our exhibitor app: 2017-wsfma-exhibitor-app
$10,000 Cupola Sponsor
This sponsorship underwrites the WSFMA as a whole and gives the highest benefit to your organization and ours.Custom sponsorship benefits available, please contact will@wafarmersmarkets.org
- Logo and link added prominently to WSFMA webpage footer; prominent placement on conference page
- Logo on WSFMA e-newsletters, one time inclusion of short introductory paragraph profile/thank you
- Verbal recognition at each conference meal and before Keynote speaker. Opportunity to address conference attendees (must be pre-arranged; five minute limit)
- Logo recognition as the Conference Sponsor on conference program and packet, full page ad in conference program, on signage throughout conference, conference website, and all other printed and electronic information.
- Complimentary passes for four (4) guests to attend our annual conference dinner
- Opportunity for flyer placement in conference packet
- Premium 6’ Tabletop Exhibit space on Friday during exhibit hours
$5,000 Rooftop Sponsor
- Logo recognition as the Conference Sponsor on conference program and packet, 1/2 page ad in conference program, on signage throughout conference, conference website, and all other printed and electronic information.
- Verbal recognition at each conference meal and before Keynote speaker. Opportunity to address conference attendees (must be pre-arranged; five minute limit)
- 1 hr presentation opportunity during conference programming track in Semiahmoo theater (must be pre-arranged; pending approval)
- 2 Complimentary registrations to full conference.
- Complimentary passes for two (2) additional guests to attend our annual conference dinner
- Opportunity for flyer placement in conference packet
- Premium 6’ Tabletop Exhibit space on Friday during exhibit hours
$2,500 10 X 20 Canopy Sponsor
- Logo recognition as the Conference Sponsor on conference program and packet, 1/2 page ad in conference program, on signage throughout conference, conference website, and all other printed and electronic information.
- 1 hr presentation opportunity during conference programming track in Semiahmoo theater (must be pre-arranged; pending approval)
- 1 Complimentary registration to full conference.
- Complimentary passes for two (2) guests to attend our annual conference dinner
- Opportunity for flyer placement in conference packet
- Premium 6’ Tabletop Exhibit space on Friday during exhibit hours
$1,000 10 x 10 Canopy Sponsor
- Logo recognition as the Conference Sponsor on conference program and packet, on signage throughout conference, conference website, and all other printed and electronic information.
- Complimentary passes for two (2) guests to attend our annual conference dinner
- Premium 6’ Tabletop Exhibit space on Friday during exhibit hours
$500 Striped Umbrella Sponsor
- Logo recognition as the Conference Sponsor on conference program and packet, on signage throughout conference, conference website, and all other printed and electronic information.
Ready to sign up and sponsor? Want to talk more? Contact WSFMA Executive Director Will O’Donnell now! Download the sponsor form: 2017-wsfma-sponsor-info-sheet
A huge shout out to our 2016 sponsors and exhibitors who joined with us to support Washington’s farmers markets.
Support for the WSFMA 2017 Conference is generously provided by: