Once again farmers markets across the country will join together to celebrate the benefits and opportunities that markets bring to farmers, ranchers, entrepreneurs, customers and communities during Farmers Market Week, August 7 – 13, 2016.
To help you promote this special occasion, the WSFMA is excited to introduce some new resources developed just for our members, as well as providing you with the highlights of key tools available from our partners at the USDA and the Farmers Market Coalition.
WSFMA Farmers Market Week Resources
We have received great feedback in the past about the recipe cards that we provide to members, and are pleased to continue this promotion. This year the recipes feature produce items that are at the peak of their season, affordable, and – most importantly – delicious!
- Sample Recipe Card: Corn Soup
- Sample Recipe Card: Peach Coffee Cake
- Sample Recipe Card: Blueberry Cucumber Salad
Add your market’s logo or name to the card:
- Customizable Recipe Card: Corn Soup
- Customizable Recipe Card: Peach Coffee Cake
- Customizable Recipe Card: Blueberry Cucumber Salad
Using the Recipes at the Market:
- Feature one or more recipes in a chef demo. Not sure how to organize a demo? Use the “WSFMA Cooking Demonstration Planning Guide” for step-by-step suggestions on the process.
- Feature recipe ingredients at the market. Have special vendor signage identifying the products. Give farmers copies of the recipes to give to their customers.
- Post recipes on your Facebook and website pages. Ask shoppers to post pictures of the recipes they make.
- Feature recipes in your newsletter.
- Reach out to your community partners – neighborhood restaurants, WIC clinics, nonprofits, senior centers and kids programs — and encourage them to feature the recipes in their activities or cooking classes during Farmers Market Week.
Resources from the USDA
In addition to the official proclamation from Secretary Tom Vilsack, the USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) has created a series of graphics to help farmers market managers promote their celebrations and build recognition of National Farmers Market Week. Templates are available to make posters, emails, buttons, and much more.
We’ve added a JPG of the logo to the Resource Center on the WSFMA website. You can find the complete collection of materials from the AMS here.
Resources from Farmers Market Coalition
Once again, the Farmers Market Coalition has put together a comprehensive collection of resources to help markets promote themselves during Farmers Market Week. A few highlights of these materials include:
- Farmers Market Talking Points and Facts
- Press Release Template
- Social Media Cheat Sheet
- Invitation Template for Public Officials and Legislators
To see all of the tools available from the Farmers Market Coalition, visit their website here.
The WSFMA material were made possible by a WSDA Specialty Crop Block Grant