Founded in 1979, the Washington State Farmers Market Association is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization working with over 110 member farmers markets to bring local, healthy food to communities and direct sales to farmers, artisans and other small businesses throughout Washington. We’re here to share the know-how, training, and peer support farmers markets need to thrive.


To support and promote vibrant and sustainable farmers markets in Washington State through member services, education, and advocacy.


Strong, resilient farmers markets where vendors are successful and farm sales continue to grow and provide the public with access to fresh, healthy food and the farmers who grow it; where high consumer value is placed on Washington State’s small farms and farmers, and this is reflected in local and state policy.


  • Vibrant and viable local food systems
  • Economically and environmentally sustainable farms
  • Independent small business incubation
  • Healthy foods for everyone
  • Community gathering places, free and open to all


  • Provide support and technical assistance to member farmers markets in WA state so they can thrive
  • Create a vibrant marketplace for local farms to grow their businesses and educate customers
  • Educate the public on benefits of buying fresh and local farm products
  • Increase access to fresh and healthy local foods for low-income individuals and families
  • Increase knowledge and understanding of farmers marketsʼ role in community development, sustainable local agriculture, tourism, and access to nutritious food


  • Ongoing direct support to member farmers markets through monthly meetings, online tools, and techinical assistance to address industry-specific needs
  • Supporting WIC and Senior FMNP, SNAP, SNAP Market Match and other food access programs at farmers markets with help of contracted “Regional Leads” located throughout the state
  • Promoting farmers markets through an annual online and print directory, National Farmers Market Week, and other targeted campaigns
  • Hosting an annual conference to provide timely training and foster collaborations throughout the Pacific Northwest
  • Facilitating quarterly farmers market meetings and support in King County
  • Collecting and managing statewide farmers market data
  • Advocacy around state and federal policy that impact farmers markets and vendors

Core Funding Partners

  • WSFMA Member Farmers Markets
  • King County Agriculture Program
  • Washington State Department of Social and Health Services
  • Washington State Department of Health

Your financial support ensures we have strong farmers markets tomorrow.

  • Please support farmers markets today through Washington Gives
  • To learn more about funding and partnership opportunities, please call (206) 706-5198 or email info[at]farmersmarkets[dot]org .