Browse the WSFMA Resource Center to find featured Washington State resources on market management, Farmers Market Week, market promotions, research, and more. We also recommend the Farmers Market Coalition’s Resource Library. If you can’t find the farmers market information you need, please email us at

Market Day Token Tracking Form

Use this sample form to help you implement your market's own token accounting procedures.

Market Day Accounting Procedures

Use this sample document as a guide for you to create your own market accounting procedures.

Template for Positive Farm Audit Result Letter

Use this sample letter from Agricultural Institute of Marin as a template to communicate positive audit results to your market farmers.

Sample Farm Audit Letter

Use this sample letter from Agricultural Institute of Marin as a template to initiate an initial farm audit for a market farmer.

At Farmers Markets, Placement of Vendors is Vital

"At farmers markets, location of vendors strikes balance between buyers and sellers."

Recipe for a Great Farmers’ Market

An article from 'Growing for Market' explaining the many facets of a successful farmers market and what is needed for a market to succeed.

2014 Mercer Island Farmers Market Vendor Application

Sample of mid-sized farmers market vendor application with detailed vendor information required.

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Vendor Fee Slip

Sample stall fee and vendor sales form from Mercer Island Farmers Market.

Vendor Revenue Card

Sample stall fee and vendor sales form from Camas Farmers Market.

Daily Market Sales Sheet

Sample stall fee and vendor sales form from Seattle Neighborhood Farmers Market Alliance.